To reduce costs, time, and administration PMP encouraged farmers to self declare the completion of supporting actions on their farms when making a payment claim. We developed an easy to use mobile app to enable farmers to do this. The app was designed to use in the field so that you could submit a photograph of the relevant action and confirm its location. Once the claim was submitted on the phone we could then process the payment. The material below will explain the process further and guide you through the process of submitting a claim on the mobile app.
How to make a Supporting Action Payment claim (processed on a quarterly basis)
Once actions are completed on the farm you must:
- Return a signed copy of the first page of this Annual Works Plan and mark the relevant actions as complete.
- Declare action completed using new Supporting Action Claims mobile app (see below)
- How to use the Supporting Action Claims mobile app (download as PDF here)
- To download the Supporting Action Claims app onto your mobile device use this link address https://bit.ly/pmpclaimapp
(Note: the app is not designed for use on desktop computers) - Video demonstration explaining the use of the app can be viewed here.