PMP have updated the online map of Priority Commonage lands within the eight catchments included in the Pearl Mussel Programme in 2020. The map allows farmers check the extent of commonage lands within each catchment and see the priority commonage areas selected for the Pearl Mussel Programme. We hope as many farmers as possible in the new priority commonage areas will join the scheme by by completing and returning your Expression of Interest Form (PMPF1) which you can download from our website.
You can view the map and see the list of priority commonage areas on our website at www.pmproject.ie (see under Eligible Areas). A report on the new 2020 Priority Commonage areas is available under the Farmer Resources section of the website.
The area of commonage in the PMP will now increase from 5,000ha to 12,500ha (ca 90% % of all commonage lands in the eight catchments).
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