Welcome to the Pearl Mussel Projects schools and education resources page.
We have prepared some useful school materials on freshwater pearl mussel that are available to view on-line or download via the links shown below.
Just click on items that interests you to view our on-line interactive story map, download a document through the browser on your computer, or watch a video on YouTube.
Enjoy your tour!
Freshwater Pearl Mussel Education Pack 3 - The Pearl Mussel Project
It’s really simple to use:
- Read through the interactive story map (trying to remember as much information as possible)
- Download and complete the activitiy sheets in the resource pack
Interactive Story Map: The Pearl Mussel Project

Resource Pack and Activity Sheets

Download the activity resource pack here
Contains: Pack Introduction
Scorecard Worksheet
Spot the difference
Word Search
Freshwater Pearl Mussel Education Pack 2 - Biodiversity
It’s really simple to use:
- Read through the interactive story map (trying to remember as much information as possible)
- Download and complete the activitiy sheets in the resource pack
Interactive Story Map: Why is biodiversity important?

Resource Pack and Activity Sheets
Download the activity resource pack here
Contains: Pack Introduction
Biodiversity survey
Habitat Worksheet
Species profile
Word Search
Freshwater Pearl Mussel Education Pack 1
It’s really simple to use:
- Read through the interactive story map (trying to remember as much information as possible)
- Download and complete the activitiy sheets in the resource pack
Interactive Story Map: Why Pearl Mussels need our help
Resource Pack and Activity Sheets

Download the activity resource pack here
Contains: Pack Introduction
Biodiversity survey
Pearl Mussel Life Cycle Exercise A
Pearl Mussel Life Cycle Exercise B
Pearl Mussel Project Quiz
Word Search One
Word Search Two
Art Project
Paca Oideachais na nDiúilicíní Péarla Fionnuisce i nGaeilge Seolta
Tá sé fíorfhurasta le húsáid:
1. Léigh tríd an léarscáil scéil (agus féach le cuimhneamh ar a oiread eolais agus is féidir)
2. Déan na gníomhaíochtaí go léir (atá ar fáil le híoslódáil ónár láithreán gréasáin)
An Léarscáil Scéil: An fáth a bhfuil cabhair ag teastáil ó na Diúilicíní Péarla
Paca Acmhainne Oideachais
Íoslódáil an Paca Acmhainne Oideachais anseo
A bhfuil ann: Réamhléiriú ar an bPaca
Suirbhé Bithéagsúlachta
Timthriall Beatha an Diúilicín Phéarla - Ceacht A
Timthriall Beatha an Diúilicín Phéarla - Ceacht B
Tráth na gCeist de chuid Thionscadal na nDiúilicíní Péarla
Cuardach Focal a hAon
Cuardach Focal a Dó
Tionscadal Ealaíne
Introduction to the Freshwater Pearl Mussel video
Two videos produced by PMP to view on Youtube, with information on the biology of the Freshwater Pearl Mussel and measures farmers can take to
help protect the habitats of this species.

Introduction to the ecology of the Freshwater Pearl Mussel
(Full length version, duration 21 mins)

Introduction to the ecology of the Freshwater Pearl Mussel
(Short length version, duration 6 mins)
Other Groups Video Resources

Pearl Mussel Project featured On Ear To The Ground - November 2020
Freshwater Pearl Mussel Rescue Project Overview (Ballinderry River Trust, NI)
The mysteries of the freshwater pearl mussel (Finnish video)
A study into freshwater pearl mussels (University of Derby)
Life Cycle of a Freshwater Mussel! (US Fish & Wildlife Service)
Restoring Freshwater Mussel Rivers in England (Louise Lavictoire)
Mussels at Work: A Time Lapse Demonstration (USA)
Amazing Missouri Mussels (Missouri Department of Conservation)
Pearls in Peril LIFE+ Nature Project (Scottish Natural Heritage)
Saving Britain’s Pearl Mussels (Al Jazeera English)
Jigsaw puzzles for you to try
We have created a series of Jigsaw puzzles of freshwater pearl mussels and the eight catchments the Pearl Mussel Project are working in. Some of them are easy, other have more pieces and are harder. Just click on the image below to start assembling you jigsaw on https://www.jigsawplanet.com/PMProject